Hi Caiti,
I double checked with our product team on this and the "rating question" type of question is not able to be added to the question library at this point in time. Other question types are able to be saved to the question library, but not rating question. I would recommend submitting this as an enhancement request within Participate > Product Ideas.
Julia Plymack
Senior Customer Success Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 01-07-2025 15:00
From: Caiti Baude
Subject: Adding Questions from a Premium Survey to the Questions Library
I am trying to add questions from one of our premium surveys to the Question Library so they can be reused easily. I've found the instructions how, but the option to save to the library does not appear for me. I'm an admin and have all the permissions I can have. The survey is a premium survey as far as I can tell. What am I missing???
Caiti Baude
Marketing Coordinator
SFCSUnited States