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  • 1.  Adding Tracking Notes to an MRF

    Posted 01-03-2025 14:32

    I'm looking to capture notes while tracking the request thru RFP process of the MRF; our process separates the Planners from the Sourcing event roles.  We use statuses, however, there are many notes that do not require a MRF status to be updated.  Is anyone successfully using any fields to track/capture notes during this process? #MRF #Meetingsmanagement  


    Monika Escano
    Strategic Meetings Management Analyst
    The Ultimate Software Group, Inc. ("Customer"), a Delaware CorporationUnited States

  • 2.  RE: Adding Tracking Notes to an MRF

    Posted 01-06-2025 08:27

    Hi Monika,

    Yes, we have a comment box field called "Internal Planning Notes" that appears just for planners. Requesters can't see the field. The nice part is, this field doesn't show up when the request revisits the meeting request on the access portal, whereas the status comment field does, so you can make confidential notes for your internal team.

    You'll need a new section for the field, or insert the field into a section where you already control visibility.

    Edit the Request Status of the whole section.

    Lauren Becker
    Senior Event Technology Coordinator