If you prefer to allow your attendees to write a text response to a poll you would need to use the Q&A feature for sure. assign a moderator, either global or session, and have your moderator submit the question (moderator questions are automatically approved and displayed to attendees) and then choose "display" so it is prominently shown at the top of the Q&A panel. Direct the attendees to submit a question as responses to it, then the moderator would approve those one by one. For faster approvals, set up "auto approve" in the Q&A settings (sessions AH tab). Attendee upvotes to others questions (ie poll responses) will prioritize them in the Q&A panel. Does that help your goal?
Maggie Johnson
Event Technology Specialist
Affiliated DistributorsUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 12-28-2024 21:09
From: Cullen Watson
Subject: AMA Poll
Trying to setup Poll but only see Multiple choice response type. How do I do free response for AMA live Q&A poll? What's best way to do this within Cvent Attendee Hub ecosystem?
Cullen cullenwatson08@gmail.com