Hi Kim -
If you are getting the "no data" response, you may want to check your date filters and statuses. Without knowing exactly which report that you are running (whether event only or cross-event reports), start with the templates since those are the ones that typically will have charts that summarize the details.
Tip - The report templates with "summary" in the title typically include charts and graphs so that may help with your presentations.
To edit the date before running the report, click on the pencil icon to the right of the report name, this will open up the filters prior to running the report.
Next, under data type, you'll probably want to run by "Event Start Date" . Under Event Start Data, select whatever's applicable to you (current year, previous year, etc. or custom, to manually select the dates).
You'll also want to check your statuses to include all applicable ones or to uncheck any statuses that don't apply.
Click "Run" to run your report.
If you are in a real hurry, I would recommend contacting Cvent Support and having them walk you through what you need. They are really good at making recommendations and walking you step by step through the process.
Hope this helps!
Becky Yousif
Senior Administrator - Event Technology
Original Message:
Sent: 05-21-2024 14:42
From: Kim Sczesniak
Subject: Analytics Reporting for Client
Good afternoon all,
I am urgently trying to put together a PPP for a meeting tomorrow and wanted to show some analytics to my client. Would someone guide me as to how I produce such a report? I have tried the reports offered, but it keeps returning "no data" on the screen. Thank you in advance.
Kim Sczesniak
Business Development Manager
Duluth TravelUnited States