Hi all!
I'm looking at using Appointments for the first time and am looking for some best practices advice.
I'm trying to set up an Office Hours type scenario where my staff can be available in a set location for blocks of time, and attendees can schedule appointments with them during those blocks of time. Ideally, the attendee can look up the staff member, see their availability, and schedule an appointment. I'm hoping that the staff member can be tied to a location, so that when the attendee books the appointment, the location is automatically assigned. I want to avoid a situation where an attendee books an appointment with a staff member in one location, and the staff member's next appointment is in a completely different location (so they don't have to bounce between rooms across the conference center).
I did have the thought of maybe turning my staff members into exhibitors and using exhibitor networking appointments instead of a custom appointment, and then setting their booth location as the room that they will be in. I'm concerned, though, that the staff members would then need to log into a different portal, the exhibitor portal, in order to manage their appointments. Historically, this has not gone well with my staff, and I would end up manually managing all of their appointments for them, which is not really an option.
Has anyone used appointments in this way? What were your experiences? Any tips, tricks, suggestions?
Thanks for your help!
Jess Olcott
Training Program Coordinator
ETC, Inc.