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  • 1.  Attendee Hub

    Posted 08-02-2024 07:18

    Hi there, I've been using Attendee Hubb in the past, but all of a sudden now I can not see it on the left hand side of the screen. Any thoughts?

    Kind regards,



    Heidi Lunelli
    Office Services Mgr, PwC Canada
    PwC Management Services LPUnited States

  • 2.  RE: Attendee Hub

    Posted 08-05-2024 13:13

    Hi Heidi,

    Within General > Event Features, have you added Attendee Hub as a feature for the event? Screenshot example below. Once added, that is what will make it appear as a feature on the left-hand side menu. If you are not seeing the option to enable it as a feature, then your user role may not have access to Attendee Hub, in which case you would need to check with an Administrator on your account to either give you access to Attendee Hub moving forward or enable the feature for you. 

    Julia Plymack
    Senior Customer Success Manager

  • 3.  RE: Attendee Hub

    Posted 08-05-2024 18:16

    Thanks for the response. I did select Attendee hub from the events feature section, however it still isn't showing up on my side panel as it use to. 

    Heidi Lunelli
    Office Services Mgr, PwC Canada
    PwC Management Services LPUnited States

  • 4.  RE: Attendee Hub
    Best Answer

    Posted 08-06-2024 10:46

    Hi Heidi,

    Is your user role an Administrator? If not, I would recommend double checking with an Administrator on your account as there are several different user permissions for Attendee Hub you may not have access to within your user role anymore. 

    Julia Plymack
    Senior Customer Success Manager

  • 5.  RE: Attendee Hub

    Posted 3 days ago
    Edited by Ilinca Tofan 3 days ago


    what if i am an Administrator and i cannot see the Event features? Nor do i see the attendee hub settings in any of the user profiles? 

    Thank you. 

    Ilinca Tofan
    Business Solution Expert Meetings and Events
    UCB Biopharma SRL Belgium