Hi Erin,
It is up to 1,000 attendees per each session (also referred to as a meeting) not the overall event. So in this case session = meeting and you can have up to 1,000 attendees for each individual session within the event.
Julia Plymack
Senior Customer Success Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 12-11-2024 17:48
From: Erin Knutson
Subject: Collaborative Session
We are holding a 100% virtual event this spring and I'm starting to setup session. There is conflicting verbiage used on one of Cvent's resources pages regarding attendance numbers that I'm trying to understand better. On the Understanding Attendee Hub Video Options page, it states that the collaborative session can have up to 1000 attendees per session for the embedded version (which is what we plan to do). But later on the page under the embedded description it states that there can be up to 1000 attendees per meeting. Session and meeting are completely different things. What is accurate?
Erin K.