Hi! I just did this same thing at an event.
1. we used Discussions Chat and relabeled it by using Language Management as "Social Wall."
2. We created a custom card labeled Get Social and scheduled it to appear on the home page. Attendees clicked it and uploaded photos of themselves and comments about the event.
3. to encourage use we used the Gamification to award points for uploading photos and reacting to others photos on the Social Wall (discussion).
4. to get the photos you can't run a discussions chat report yourself (hopefully that's on the roadmap for us, Cvent- ahem!) but Cvent support can provide it to you. You just have to open a case and request it. Since you'll want them during your event just open the case a few days ahead to give Cvent a heads up and they can turn it around quickly.
ProTips: test all of this out ahead of time so you know what to expect and then you can delete everything. Assign yourself as a global moderator so you have ability to quickly delete inappropriate posts by other people (regular attendees can only delete their own posts).
good luck!
Maggie Johnson
Event Technology Specialist
Affiliated DistributorsUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 01-16-2025 16:55
From: Erin Wonsmos
Subject: Collecting Photos from Attendees in 'social' format
We utilize the Event App for our incentive trip and want to collect photos from the attendees that they have to share of their experience. In an ideal world, the attendees would upload their photo(s) to the app and others would be able to view them in real-time and have that social media type of connection/feel. The second part of that is that we would like to easily download these images to use at a closing night event. Things have changed over the past couple of years and we haven't figured out the best way to do provide this experience from start to finish.
Does anyone have any insight or ideas that have worked for them?
Erin Wonsmos
Sr. Manager - Marketing
IMT InsuranceUnited States