Hi Kelly,
Which report are you running? And to confirm, you are looking to report on custom registration questions that you have created or custom contact fields? If custom registration questions, are they general event registration questions or pertaining to specific sessions? The registrant details report can pull in custom contact fields, general registration questions and session registration questions, so I would take a look at that report and make sure that the correct questions or contact fields are checked off within the Fields tab of the report.
Julia Plymack
Senior Customer Success Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 05-31-2024 13:03
From: Kelly Whitted
Subject: Custom questions in registration
I have custom questions in registration but the answers do not show up in the report (I can select the questions in the fields for reporting). They are mandatory questions so I don't understand why there aren't answers.
Kelly Whitted
Meeting Planner
Zimmer, Inc.United States