Hi Zoe,
We cannot currently edit what data or filtering displays on the event overview page. I definitely recommend posting this idea in the Ideas tab so others can vote on this customization! However, any reports that you customize and find yourself running often can be saved as a template in the event. These templates are then easily accessible in Reports > Saved Reports.
Madeline Stalnaker [Designation]
Lead Client Success Advisor
Original Message:
Sent: 07-22-2024 16:09
From: Zoe Evans
Subject: Editing Event Overview
I've been unable to find an answer on whether or not the information pulled into the automatic Event Overview that appears on the Home tab when first opening the event can be adjusted without running specific reports. I have consulted the Home Page Overview article, but I've not found the answer I'm looking for. Is there a way to make this pull specific data without having to manually run subsequent reports?
The red circled elements of the screenshot below are what the article addresses. I understand these and how to navigate them to pull their data, but I want to edit what appears in this collection of tiles, e.g., removing Agenda or having the Email tile display unopened rate instead. Is there a way to edit this dashboard or an article explaining how to do so that I'm missing?
