Hi Rita,
Thank you for your question!
The administrator should still get the CC email as long as it's turned on in the Advanced Settings of the email itself.
However, an important thing to note - bounces can (eventually) lead to blocks and mail going to spam. A primary recipient being opted out excludes the entire contact (including CCs) from a manual or scheduled send - they do not even show up in a search.
Sydney Langer
Senior Customer Success Advisor
Original Message:
Sent: 06-05-2024 13:49
From: Rita Abney
Subject: Email Communication
I have a group administrator that does not want to provide individual emails for her attendees. She has given me fake email addresses. I know that these will be opted-out because they are invalid. She is the CC email for all of these attendees. Will she still receive the emails?
Rita Abney
Meetings Manager
National Corn Growers AssociationUnited States