Hi Jess -
My initial thought is that you probably didn't miss a setting, it has more to do with your registration approval. If there were not enough seats left for the event, the group registration should probably have been denied and the registrants asked to request separately so that the two available slots could get filled and the other two put on a waitlist (if your event had a waitlist).
By the registration being approved, the system (I think) will assume that the approver is allowing an exception to be made and for the event to go over capacity. You can check with Cvent support to confirm, but believe that with the approval process in place, that will probably override the capacity settings previously put into place.
Also wondering if for those other programs where you said it hadn't happened before, whether those other programs also had the manual registration approvals in place?
Hope this helps!
Rebecca Yousif
Senior Administrator - Event Technology
Original Message:
Sent: 04-04-2024 11:01
From: Jess Olcott
Subject: Group Registration Pushed Admission Over Capacity
I have an event that is set up with manual registration approvals, which also allows group registration. I've been running events in this manner for a while now but have just run into an issue for the first time. I had 2 seats left for the only admission item and for the overall event capacity. However, a group of 4 was able to register for the event, so when they were approved their group registration pushed the event over capacity. I have never seen this happen before. Previously the system hasn't let the group leader add any more registrations once the event capacity has been reached. Has anyone experienced this before? Is there a setting that I missed somewhere?
Jess Olcott
Training Program Coordinator
ETC, Inc.