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Higher Education Fall Office Hours, September 12th, 2023: Recap

  • 1.  Higher Education Fall Office Hours, September 12th, 2023: Recap

    Posted 09-29-2023 10:04
    Edited by Daniel Marotta 09-29-2023 10:08
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    Higher Ed Office Hours Fall Reunion Events and Homecoming

    A big thank you to our hosts and Cvent team for bringing our Higher Education user group members together in this Fall themed office hours event.
    @Celine Ho, @Alissa Mirsky, @Emily Sullivan, @Greg Strong, @Kameron Kidd, @Kylie Ott, @Maggie Hyland, @Marcia Altman, @Nick Sikoutris, @Sam Lee, @Suzanne Dolan

    And a great big thank you to our attendees that asked great questions and our user group members that stepped up in providing great solutions!
    @James Rose, @Jenny Cox, @Tami Denes, @Charlie Dolgas, @Christine D'Arcy, @Mirka Cortes, @Susan Haymore, @Vivian Reba, @Sakinah Williams-Rowe, @Rob Lines, @Jenny Fong, @Aswathy Prathap, @Jennifer Colvin

    The official recap including a Q&A summary is located here - "Discovering Key Takeaways on Reunions and Homecomings for Alumni"

    Leading up to the breakout rooms, our Cvent System Administrators members expressed a lot of interest in learning more and getting help with Salesforce integrations. If you're interested in a Cvent Community-hosted event led by a Salesforce integrations expert, reply below ↓, and we'll get one scheduled for an upcoming Ask the expert event.

    We also heard how Higher Eds are using Cvent for different event types; from homecomings, to reunions, to parent's weekends and student barbecues. Check out even more Higher Ed event types and don't forget to add your own :)

    It was great seeing you all virtually and meeting most of you for the first time. See you again December 5th at 2pm ET!


    Daniel Marotta
    Senior Manager
    Cvent Community Team
