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  • 1.  Hotels that don't use passkey

    Posted 12-11-2024 09:58

    We've been encountering a lot lately that our biggest event of the year (We book 500+ hotel rooms) most of the hotels don't use passkey. What is everyones best way for managing the rooms? Any tips or tricks because it's ended up just being a full-time manual job for someone on our team.


  • 2.  RE: Hotels that don't use passkey

    Posted 12-12-2024 15:21
    Edited by Alison Cappas 12-12-2024 15:28

    Hi there!

    My property does not use passkey, either. From my experience, planners will request weekly pickup reports and reservation confirmation lists. I have found it helpful to set a reminder in my Outlook calendar as a reoccurring "Event" for the same date and time each week until two weeks prior to the check-in of the group. Then, I will routinely attach the reports to the same email chain from the prior week, keeping emails regarding rooms on a separate chain from event planning. Most planners will be able to work with the weekly reports well, but some will request additional reports throughout the week.

    While I understand this is still a manual job, this should help with creating habits that the client will appreciate and benefit from during the planning process.

    Good luck!

    Event Manager