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How can you change titles in the Summary page when it pulls from the admission items?

  • 1.  How can you change titles in the Summary page when it pulls from the admission items?

    Posted 27 days ago
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    I am trying to edit my confirmation page for my event. It is pulling the agenda items, but it lists them as "Tours". How can I change that? Additionally, how can I change the registration title from "Admission Items" to something else. When I try. to customize, it only lets be customize the text style. 


    Emily Reed
    National Association of College Auxiliary Services-NationalUnited States

  • 2.  RE: How can you change titles in the Summary page when it pulls from the admission items?

    Posted 27 days ago

    Hey Emily!

    it appears someone has changed language in Language management. 

    if you go to your main page for the event, then click "marketing" on the left panel, then language managment, this is where you can change the language used for different areas of the site and app.

    if you want to change the language for "admission items" this is where you would do that, just be conscious that it will change it everywhere that that phrase is used on the website.

    if you want it changed in the app and attendee hub, you'll have to change it under each of the different tabs.



    Michael Rummage
    Director, Events and Special Projects
    QuilityUnited States