Hi Elizabeth,
This is a great suggestion! If you have not done so already, I would recommend that you submit this as a product idea within the Participate tab > Product Ideas for greater visibility and the option for other Cvent users to comment or upvote the idea if it would also be helpful to them.
Julia Plymack
Senior Customer Success Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 07-11-2024 08:09
From: Elizabeth Pulo
Subject: Hyperlinked Guest Profile from Primary Registrant Guest list
I would find it super useful if the full registration profile of a guest is also hyperlinked from the Guest list of the Primary Registrant. Currently if I want to see the list of guests of a primary registrant and then their full details and answers to the registration, I have to go back and forth remembering the name and researching them one by one via the Attendee List.
It would be great if the names are hyperlinked in this section 
Elizabeth Pulo
Events & Project Manager
JA EuropeBelgium