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  • 1.  Individual Time Slots within a Session

    Posted 24 days ago

    Our event includes the opportunity to sign up for a 60-minute massage. This 'Spa Session' goes from 9:30am until 4:00pm. 

    The data for these massages was collected manually.

    How do I retroactively adjust the data for each attendee who is participating, so it reflects in their schedule?

    ie. Bob Chester has a 10:00am 60-minute massage session. I need to add this session to Bob's schedule so he sees it on his schedule and I can create a push notification that informs him it is time for his massage.


    Gary Lattke
    Creative Director
    New Mountain CapitalUnited States

  • 2.  RE: Individual Time Slots within a Session

    Posted 23 days ago

    Gary, you can do this by creating multiple optional sessions - one per date and time, and treatment type if there are differences.  Be sure you set NO for Allow Registration, Allow registration in Attendee Hub, Display on agenda, and Feature session on website and app.  A helpful tip is to set the Code so you know what each appointment time is.  ie-SpaThur-1030am-facial. This way when you go to assign each person to the appropriate session (and for reporting), you can see which one is which.   Anyone you assign to the session will have it populated on to their personal schedule in the Attendee Hub app.  

    Michele Runge
    Event Planner
    Daikin Comfort Technologies North America, Inc.United States

  • 3.  RE: Individual Time Slots within a Session

    Posted 6 days ago

    can you do this once everyone has registered. Adjust each persons time?

    Jennifer Randall
    Executive Assistant
    Champions Group HoldingUnited States