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Make new connections with other Cvent CONNECT 2025 attendees

  • 1.  Make new connections with other Cvent CONNECT 2025 attendees

    Posted 12-04-2024 09:30

    We are so excited for Cvent CONNECT 2025 - happening in San Antonio and virtually on June 9-12, 2025!  

    Registered for this year's event? Want to start meeting other attendees?

    -> Drop your LinkedIn below to start growing your network 

    -> Share what you're most interested in learning about at this year's event

    -> Share your "superpower" - what would you be willing to teach others or knowledge that you'd be able to offer other attendees

    I'll go first... ;)  

    • My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daraburg/
    • I am most excited to learn new ideas on event marketing from fellow attendees - what tactics are working well for them in driving tradeshow leads/engagement and driving registrations for their annual conferences
    • I can share what has worked for Cvent in promoting Cvent CONNECT and also share our wins/challenges for the trade shows we attend!

    Dara Burg
    Assistant Team Lead, Event Marketing

  • 2.  RE: Make new connections with other Cvent CONNECT 2025 attendees

    Posted 12-12-2024 10:43

    My linkedin is: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelsigley

    I'm looking forward to learning more unique things people are using cvent for and ways to think outside the box about how to use the platform.

    I became a self-taught pretty big expert in all things AttendeeHub and developing easy to use templates on all the available design and banner options and push notifications for my team to use and follow to help aid on site creative. Happy to share my knowledge and whats worked and didn't work launching our first Cvent event mobile app.


  • 3.  RE: Make new connections with other Cvent CONNECT 2025 attendees

    Posted 12-12-2024 10:53

    Hi Rachel! 👋 Nice to meet you! 

    Would love to learn more about the AH banners and push notifications templates your teams have made - those sound awesome (and like a huge time saver). 

    Dara Burg
    Event Marketing
    PlanningTeam1United States

  • 4.  RE: Make new connections with other Cvent CONNECT 2025 attendees

    Posted 12-12-2024 15:18
    -> Share what you're most interested in learning about at this year's event - impact and opportunity for enhancements by changing API platforms
    -> Share your "superpower" - what would you be willing to teach others or knowledge that you'd be able to offer other attendees: Uber for Business Cvent Connector

    Hallie Loeb
    Program Manager, Events & Experiences

  • 5.  RE: Make new connections with other Cvent CONNECT 2025 attendees

    Posted 12-12-2024 17:57

    Interested in working session of Cvents AI features and its implementations in Events.

    Jetender Vilku
    Cisco Systems Inc. DIYUnited States

  • 6.  RE: Make new connections with other Cvent CONNECT 2025 attendees

    Posted 12-13-2024 09:08
    • My LinkedIn profile
      • https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-rose-jr/
    • Share what you're most interested in learning about at this year's event
      • Utilizing Cvent to its full extent from MRF to custom repots
    • Share your "superpower" - what would you be willing to teach others or knowledge that you'd be able to offer other attendees
      • Simple techniques of building an accessible event

    James Rose | Senior Web Developer and Platform/Product Manager
    Digital Infrastructure
    Office of University Development | University of Michigan

  • 7.  RE: Make new connections with other Cvent CONNECT 2025 attendees

    Posted 12-13-2024 11:05

    Welcome James, Jetender, and Hallie! 👋 Love all these superpowers and seeing what you're interested in learning about.

    Make sure to send a connection request to some of the other posters above - can't wait to see you at this year's event! 

    Dara Burg
    Assistant Team Lead, Event Marketing

  • 8.  RE: Make new connections with other Cvent CONNECT 2025 attendees

    Posted 12-15-2024 14:30

    My LinkedIn is: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vgarnercmp/ 

    I cannot register until January 1st (new fiscal year budget and all); however, I look forward to learning more about Cvent/Zoom integration, using registration paths, and setting up sessions with advanced features.

    Virginia Garner
    The College BoardUnited States

  • 9.  RE: Make new connections with other Cvent CONNECT 2025 attendees

    Posted 12-16-2024 10:26

    Welcome Virginia! Totally understand - can't wait to see you this year! I'll pass along your topic ideas to the team. 

    Dara Burg
    Assistant Team Lead, Event Marketing

  • 10.  RE: Make new connections with other Cvent CONNECT 2025 attendees

    Posted 12-16-2024 10:41

    -> Drop your LinkedIn below to start growing your network https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliemichelledavis1/

    -> Share what you're most interested in learning about at this year's event Anything new that's happening within the industry and Cvent

    -> Share your "superpower" - what would you be willing to teach others or knowledge that you'd be able to offer other attendees Emergency Management and Preparedness... as a person with anxiety, I am constantly aware of my surroundings and what to do if any number of factors happen

    Julie-Michelle Davis, CMP
    Meetings Manager
    Amex GBT - USA
    Remote Location - Texas

  • 11.  RE: Make new connections with other Cvent CONNECT 2025 attendees

    Posted 12-17-2024 07:40

    Love your super power, Julie! Welcome and can't wait to see you this year! I believe Hallie Loeb on the other CCUS thread was looking for disaster preparedness tips - you two should connect! 

    Dara Burg
    Assistant Team Lead, Event Marketing

  • 12.  RE: Make new connections with other Cvent CONNECT 2025 attendees

    Posted 12-27-2024 13:05

    My LinkedIn is: www.linkedin.com/in/christina-bargas2011

    I would love to learn anything about building the websites, and new tips and tricks for registration. 

    Sharing: I could teach any knowledge about attendee management, and reporting. :) 

    Christina Holohan

    Christina Holohan
    Meetings & Incentives Worldwide, Inc.United Kingdom

  • 13.  RE: Make new connections with other Cvent CONNECT 2025 attendees

    Posted 7 days ago


    I am so excited to attend my first Cvent Connect.  I just started working with Cvent 4 months ago.  I am really enjoying the process and looking forward to learning from all of you. 

    My Linkedin is: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lois-stuckey-958a22247/

    Lois Stuckey
    Event Services Manager
    College of Human Sciences & Education - Louisiana State UniversityUnited States