Hi Hallie -
While I don't believe there is currently a process that allows fields to calculate based on dates, what you might want to consider, is adding a question (if you can) on the meeting request form (example: Will you need registration links within 2 business days / 48 hours from this request submission?) with a yes/no response. If the answer is Yes, you can add some additional text providing the instructions you need them to follow. If no, they don't see the message and continue on their way.
While I know this isn't the exactly solution you were hoping for, it should allow you to provide the messaging that they need AND it will allow you to report on how many of these types of requests you are receiving (which can help you identify if you need additional resources or submission/behavior changes).
Hope this helps!
Rebecca Yousif
Senior Administrator - Event Technology
Original Message:
Sent: 03-11-2024 15:01
From: Hallie Loeb
Subject: MRF functionality
I've been asked to have an MRF calculate the date of the submission and the value of the response to the field "When are registration links needed?" and measure if the turn around time is less than 48 hours/2 business days. If less than 48 hours, a pop-up window or message would appear with instructions.
I can't find a way to get the MRF to make calculations. I've looked at Meeting Policies and that does not seem to be solution because we do not want to lock the event.
Thanks in advance for your creative thinking :)
Hallie Loeb
Event Operations Specialist
CDW United States