I have done both methods depending on the freedom that attendees have putting together their schedule. If they have to choose a track upfront and be locked into it, with just a small amount of choice within it, I go with separate admission items. If tracks are looser and attendees can create their own schedule across many different tracks, then I use categories and tags to organize sessions and allow attendees to choose what they wish.
Jess Olcott
Training Program Coordinator
ETC, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-09-2025 09:50
From: Jessica Searles
Subject: Multi-Track Agenda
We have six tracks over three days. We just create different Categories to represent each track. Attendees move freely among the tracks and build their schedules however they like. I don't think we've ever explored using more than one admission item.
Jessica Searles
Manager, Marketing
Emphasys Computer SolutionsUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 01-06-2025 15:26
From: Emily Radman
Subject: Multi-Track Agenda
I am trying to build out an agenda for my event. We have two tracks that we want to offer our registrants. Both tracks have the same sessions, but at different times. So think: Track A starts at 9AM with a group of 3 'micro sessions' you can pick from that are 15 minutes, while Track B starts at 9AM but has one 30 minute session. These sessions options flip at 10AM.
How would I go about setting this up in the system? I understand session groups, but that doesn't help with different tracks. I don't think session bundles is the answer because some of the time slots have multiple options (micro sessions as stated above), so the registrants need to be able to have some level of freedom