I would suggest you to contact our Cvent Support and discuss it through with them to see which set up will suit your requirement and they'll also assist you with the set up. They probably will come up with another set up for your event depending on the further questions they might ask you. You can create a case for this.
Original Message:
Sent: 06-13-2024 15:26
From: Tim Porreca
Subject: Multiple Registration Pages?
OK, so does this sound right?
I create an invitation list for each participant type (I don't want the attendees to have to choose what type they are as they will inevitably get it wrong) In each type I select the onsite and virtual registration type for that particular type.

I would then add a choice for that registration type, either virtual or onsite to their registration page. I don't see any options for a custom link, but I don't think I need it doing it this way. It would be nice to have 2 buttons with something like "Are you attending onsite or virtually" instead of the radio buttons/drop down but I don't see any way around that.

Finaly I would use the weblink from here to send the different types (employee / VIP / Vendor) to the appropriate people.

It's a little confusion and I don't see any way to test any of this before I make it live. Of course I could just be missing something here. I assume if I make this live for testing purposed I can still tweak it as long as I don't send the links out to anyone or have anyone register.
Thanks again for all your help, sorry if I am being dense. I'm getting there, but I keep hitting brick walls in setting up the registrations. Everything else seems pretty straightforward.
Tim Porreca
Cvp And Chief Technology Officer
USI Insurance ServicesUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 06-13-2024 12:27
From: Raashi Semwal Khati
Subject: Multiple Registration Pages?
Hi Tim,
Thank you for your response.
You create 2 registration types for same name, one for virtual and another for InPerson and create separate paths for each if you wish to display different questions/features for them. So the registration types would look something like : VIP - Virtual and VIP - InPerson. Similarly create two types for Employees - Employee Virtual and Employee InPerson. And then create 4 paths and associate one type to each respective path.
One set up I can think of for this is that you can create 4 separate weblinks for each registration type and on the Events homepage, create 4 separate buttons using custom link widget and name then as - VIP Virtual, VIP InPerson, Employee Virtual and Employee InPerson and hyperlink each button with the weblink pertaining to that registration type. In the invitation email, you can send the generic Homepage weblink or the homepage data tag which will take them to the event homepage. When any invitee clicks on the button they wish to register for on the homepage, they will be taken to that respective path. So for example : I click on VIP Virtual button which is hyperlinked with the VIP Virtual registration type weblink, I will directly go to the VIP Virtual path.
The set up can loo something like this :
The custom link widget will be added one at a time and you can add 4 Custom links.

Click on the Custom Widget and a panel will open on the right. Under 'Link Text' enter the name of the registration type and under 'Link URL' enter the weblink you created for the registration type > Publish. This way when they click on the selected button, they will be take to the path associated to the registration type.
Another set up could be that on the default path you can add the registration type widget which will show all the registration type and let the invitees select which type they want to register with. As soon as they will select the registration type, the system will take them to the respective path to register.
I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Raashi Semwal Khati
Senior Quality Analyst
Original Message:
Sent: 06-13-2024 11:35
From: Tim Porreca
Subject: Multiple Registration Pages?
Thank you very much. I do know who gets which registration, but I do not know who will be virtual or not (VIP Onsite vs VIP Virtual and Employee Onsite vs Employee Virtual). On the invitation list you can associate a type but not a path. If for instance, I create a path for VIPs, how do I send them a link which allows them to choose whether they will be virtual or not? My issue is that the type indicated whether they are virtual or not, or am I overthinking this and the virtual checkbox on the registration type simply means they could be virtual? Trying to understand how I differentiate between virtual or onsite when I don't know until they tell me as part of registration.