Thanks Jennifer.
That's what I figured I would need to do. Was hoping there was some setting that I just missed. I would also be interested to hear of any creative solutions others have come up with. Hopefully the CVENT app team can implement this sometime soon.
Chirag Patel
American Rhinologic SocietyUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 08-28-2023 07:51
From: Jennifer Marsh
Subject: Nested Sessions for AttendeeHub and Event App
Hi Chirag,
We have the same setup for our meetings. Currently we list the nested sessions in the agenda description. It's not ideal but it is easier. Would love to hear other people's solutions.
Jennifer Marsh
Analytics and Strategy Coordinator
United States
Original Message:
Sent: 08-25-2023 17:12
From: Chirag Patel
Subject: Nested Sessions for AttendeeHub and Event App
I am trying to combine multiple small sessions under larger sessions for the schedule view in AttendeeHub and the Event App. For example, our event will consist of multiple sessions throughout the day where each session will consist of a few talks that are relevant to the parent session's topic. I want the attendees to be able to click on the parent session and see the list of individual talks for that given parent session. Right now, everything is listed and its a mess.
We used to be able to do this in CrowdCompass, but now that CVENT has their own app I'm not sure how to do it. Does anyone know if this is possible in the new AttendeeHub/CVENT app?
Chirag Patel
IT Chair
American Rhinologic Society