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  • 1.  payment confirmation

    Posted 01-07-2025 11:21

    We are wondering if anyone has examples or recommendation for a payment confirmation email.  We know in Cvent an automatic payment receipt is sent when  person makes a credit card (we thought the same happened when an offline payment is applied to a record).  I would like to create a payment confirmation email that our business staff assistant can send once she applies payment.  What data tags should we use, can we attach a "receipt" or send an updated invoice showing amount ordered, payment applied new amount due.



    Michaela Rehm
    Delivery & Services Manager
    State University of New York - Upstate Medical UniversityUnited States

  • 2.  RE: payment confirmation

    Posted 01-08-2025 09:03

    Hi Michaela,

    Did you know when it comes to showing a payment as applied to an invitee's record that you could send an email to that invitee directly from their "Orders & Payments" page that shows the payment as being applied?  This way you won't need to necessarily need to create a payment confirmation email.   You could do the same when it comes to sending the invitee notification (invoice) showing a balance due.  The "Orders & Payments" page has an invoice number for you or the invitee to reference.

    Depending on how you have your registration confirmation set up, you can design it to where will show the balance due and/or payment as applied by using the "Order Details" and "Orders Payments" data tags.  Therefore, when a payment is applied to the invitee's record, you would just resend the registration confirmation which will show the payment as applied.

    I hope this helps.



    Debra Hollins
    Meeting Coordinator, Registration
    Association of American Medical CollegesUnited States

  • 3.  RE: payment confirmation

    Posted 01-08-2025 09:33

    thank you for replying to my question.  I did know that but the issue we have run into is when we just email that page it does not include who to remit to as it would if they are only making a partial payment.  With the SUNY things are sometimes more complicated then they need to be.  :)

    Michaela Rehm
    Delivery & Services Manager
    State University of New York - Upstate Medical UniversityUnited States

  • 4.  RE: payment confirmation
    Best Answer

    Posted 27 days ago

    HI Michaela,

    If you wanted to create an email for offline payment confirmation, you can definitely do this as a custom email in Cvent. For data tags to use, it's more about what you want to include in the email, but if you wanted to also add an invoice, there is a data tag for this once the invoice is created in Cvent.

    For more information on how to create an invoice, you can follow the instructions at the article below:

    Managing Your Invoices 

    Within the designer for the invoice, you can add data tags for amount ordered, amount paid, payment applied, etc.

    Thank you! 

    Erica Kennedy
    Principal Client Success Manager