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  • 1.  Poster Sessions

    Posted 28 days ago


    We are a non-profit setting up our fist 100% virtual event with Cvent. In-person we typically have two or three poster sessions (attendees bring their posters, tac them to a board, and then there is a designated time for attendees to stand by their poster to answer questions). I saw that you can repurpose Exhibitor Management for posters, but it seems that if you do that, then you can't use it for exhibitors/sponsors. Is that true? Does anyone have any other ways to utilize Cvent and create poster sessions?



    Erin Knutson
    Manager, Communications & Publications
    Children's Oncology Group

  • 2.  RE: Poster Sessions
    Best Answer

    Posted 21 days ago

    HI Erin,

    Will you be using the Attendee Hub for this event? If so, you can use Discussions as a way for attendees to share their poster sessions. WIth discussions, you can set different topics (one for each poster) and then attendees can join them to discuss the content with others. You'd be able to do these over zoom or with a written element, so the person who's poster it is can be managing the discussion and answering questions as other attendees join.

    If you aren't using attendee hub, then the exhibitor mangement tool would be a good option. You can still use it for exhibitor/sponsors, but you'd have to set different categories to differentiate between the two options. Additionally, you could set up the posters as actual sessions in the event, and then use the Attendee Hub or any other virtual platform to have those attendees answer questions from other attendees who registered for their poster sessions. 

    Hope that helps! 

    Erica Kennedy
    Principal Client Success Manager

  • 3.  RE: Poster Sessions

    Posted 20 days ago


    Thank you for your response! We are going to be using the Attendee Hub. 

    I'll look into Discussions. In a typical poster session we have over 60 posters. So times two or three different sessions...that may become a lot of discussions. 


    Erin Knutson
    Manager, Communications & Publications
    The Children's Oncology GroupUnited States