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Public Event (mass email) with Private Reception following (invitee list)

  • 1.  Public Event (mass email) with Private Reception following (invitee list)

    Posted 11-07-2024 15:40

    Public Event (mass email) with Private Reception following (invitee list) - Is there a way to create one registration site where attendees note their name and if only 'invited' to public event, then they can only select the public event and if they are on the invite list for the reception, then both choices are offered?

    Ann Hergenrader
    Senior Event Planner
    University of Colorado SystemUnited States

  • 2.  RE: Public Event (mass email) with Private Reception following (invitee list)

    Posted 12-12-2024 17:13

    Hi Ann,

    You could utilize our new audience segments feature for this. You could have one audience segment for those invited to the public event and make it so that their audience segment can only see the public event session and one audience segment for the private reception invitees and make it so that their audience segment can see both the private and public event sessions. You can also send different emails to them based off of audience segment as well. Creating Audience Segments

    Julia Plymack
    Senior Customer Success Manager