Hi Heather,
No the adjustments will not affect anyone who is registered, it will just update the information that is in the session itself. You'll just want to make sure that you use the session ID mentioned in Tori's response above, so it syncs with the accurate session.
Thank you!
Erica Kennedy
Principal Client Success Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 08-06-2024 17:52
From: Heather Rubenaker
Subject: Re-upload sessions
Similar question - if the sessions already have registrants, but we need to make adjustments to them - does the export/import affect those registrations?
Heather Rubenaker
Member Programs Manager
National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (OHI)United States
Original Message:
Sent: 09-09-2023 08:22
From: Tori Martinez
Subject: Re-upload sessions
Hi Sophie!
Yes you can! First, export the sessions you want to change so you get a list with the session ID. Make your changes, then re-import. Just make sure the session ID is still listed and it will update the existing session.
Hope that helps!
Tori Martinez
Event Technology Specialist
Creative Group Inc.
United States
Original Message:
Sent: 09-09-2023 07:20
From: Sophie Howell
Subject: Re-upload sessions
Hello, I've uploaded my sessions but have had quite a few changes. Is it possible to re-upload the sessions to overwrite the ones that are currently there?
Sophie Howell
Fusion Performance Marketing, LLC a 160over90 CompanyUnited States