Hi Marisa,
There is not a way to remove the add to calendar link from within sessions in the Attendee Hub. I would recommend submitting this as product feedback within Participate > Ideas.
You do have the ability to change the word "Included" within Marketing > Language Management > Click into the Event App and search for Included and then you will be able to change it to your own custom text instead. You'll want to do the same for the Attendee Website as well. Customizing Text in Attendee Hub

Julia Plymack
Senior Customer Success Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 01-14-2025 10:09
From: Marisa Buys
Subject: Remove "add to calendar" from sessions in Attendee hub
Is there a way to remove the "add to calendar" link to sessions in Attendee Hub?
Also, can you remove the word "Included" from the sessions in Attendee Hub?
Apologies if this has been asked already. I did a search and nothing came up.
Marisa Buys
Managing Director
O'vation Audience Relationship TeamSouth Africa