Hi Zoe,
The best place to see an individuals history is to go to your Attendee List > Search for the correct record > Select the record > Invitee Status > View History. Here you will see the comprehensive list of changes of an invitee:

To see multiple invitees at once, within an event you can go to Reports > Invitee Change History > From here you can see each individual change a registration has gone through.
Hope this helps!
Madeline Stalnaker [Designation]
Lead Client Success Advisor
Original Message:
Sent: 07-23-2024 13:44
From: Zoe Evans
Subject: Reporting Date of Invitee Status Change
I'm attempting to run a report that shows me the progress from when and by what method someone goes from "No Response" to "Accepted" or "Visited."
Which report template should I begin with? Currently, I used Contact Change History, but the closest I can get is determining when and how someone's Contact Type changed.
Is there a better way to do this?