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  • 1.  #shareandtell

    Posted 12-04-2024 13:13
    Job Title - Registration Manager
    - Specific Events/Instances - Training a new team member on Cvent
    - Phase of Event/Instance:  Mid-Training
    - Type of Programs: Small registration sites for internal staff to register for tradeshow attendance
    - What Worked for You (Do's – include 2+): Providing suggested Cvent resources to explore at their own pace (Training Courses, Cvent Articles) and providing them with a step-by-step tutorial going over the standard area of Cvent Meeting request and Web/Reg build.
    - What to Avoid (Don'ts – include 2+): Trying to train them yourself or have them watch along as you work


    Katie Dreifus
    Dunaj Agency LLCUnited States

  • 2.  RE: #shareandtell

    Posted 12-13-2024 09:26

    Hey @Katie Dreifus 
    Thank you for sharing your amazing event success story through #shareandtell! We loved hearing about your experience and seeing the fantastic results.

    Your story is truly inspiring and will undoubtedly motivate others in our community. 

    Megha Jetley [Designation]
    Manager, Customer Marketing
    Cvent Marketing Department