Hey @Rachel
Thank you for sharing your event success story via #ShareandTell
We loved hearing about your journey and celebrating your success with you.
Your story is a fantastic addition to our community and will inspire many others.
Megha Jetley [Designation]
Manager, Customer Marketing
Cvent Marketing Department
Original Message:
Sent: 12-11-2024 10:07
From: rachel sigley
Subject: #ShareandTell Mobile App Keep Things Interesting
Job Title: B2B event branding
Event Title: Summit
Event Description: Annual conference hosting 350+ C-level exec client and 200+ internal guests
Event Dates: August 2024
Type of Event: In-Person
What Worked For You:
- We found that you needed to keep people interested in the mobile app. It's all things you can plan out in advance but we set up our home page to have a pretty constant rotation of content every few hours. From timing new graphics at the top leading to content, videos, and brochures we had developed on topics being discussed and off the home page we created sections that showcased write-ups on the sessions not long after they occurred and daily recap videos. By keeping the home page rotating (and we set most of this up to be timed launches long before we go on site so on-site work was minimal) we found people kept coming back to the app a lot more than they had in the past and our click-throughs were much higher than anticipated. We were also sure at least one session a day to do a live poll during a session so people would be drawn into the app and see all the latest updates and used push notifications as well.
What to Avoid:
Be careful not to spam people though if doing the push notifications. Too many and they'll start to tune them out! Also ensure the content is fresh and worth reading cause if the first few don't offer much to readers, they'll be less inclined to keep coming back.