Higher Education

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  • 1.  Speaking Topic Ideas

    Posted 08-31-2022 14:15

    Hello Everone,

    I am in discussions with Cvent to be a presenter for CONNECT 2023. I thought  I would post here for topics ideas the higher-ed group might be interested in learning more about. 

    A quick background about me. I work in the Office Of Development at the University of Michigan and work with many units in the development community. Myself and team members are considered experts in Event Management but are not event planners. We do all the training and onboarding of all account users for our two instances of Cvent. We keep the users, user groups, and user roles. We are the administrators of Cvent for the University of Michigan

    We are thinking of topics, but any input would be very much appreciated.

    James Rose | Senior Web Developer and Platform/Product Manager
    Digital Infrastructure
    Office of University Development | University of Michigan

  • 2.  RE: Speaking Topic Ideas

    Posted 09-01-2022 14:36
    I'm not part of your area, but being a cvent user, having attended Connect both in person and virtually, I can say it's always helpful when presenting if you can provide real world case examples and then how the cvent solution helped you overcome/achieve the desired outcome. Most people can learn the basics on their own, it's hearing about unique ways you're making the system work for you, with examples, that I always find the most beneficial when attending.


  • 3.  RE: Speaking Topic Ideas

    Posted 09-27-2022 09:00

    @Rachel Sigle thank you for your input. When briefly talking to Cvent about speaking they suggested some of the UofM user groups be part of a panel with other schools or universities to discuss their troubles and solutions with the platform. Get the planner's perspective not just from the admin side. When we have a new user group go through all the steps of kick-off meeting, setting up the event, going live, and completing the event we always do a debrief. We talk about what did they like, what didn't like, what they wish you knew prior to the event, and how we can improve for their next event.

    James Rose | Senior Web Developer and Platform/Product Manager
    Digital Infrastructure
    Office of University Development | University of Michigan

  • 4.  RE: Speaking Topic Ideas

    Posted 09-02-2022 07:27
    While not specifically higher education related, it would be great to have someone provide sessions related to the admin side of Cvent:
    • Real life examples of training/onboarding programs for new account users with tips, tricks, and things to avoid
    • "A day in the life of an Account Administrator" - a look at what goes on behind the scenes
    • Maintaining attendee records - opt outs, duplicate records, contact groups, etc.
    Hope these help spark some additional ideas 😊

    Jennifer Jones
    Senior Specialist

  • 5.  RE: Speaking Topic Ideas

    Posted 09-27-2022 09:05
    @Jennifer Jones Yes, that was one topic we discussed for presenting. Working title "going above the workflow" of the admin. ​

    James Rose | Senior Web Developer and Platform/Product Manager
    Digital Infrastructure
    Office of University Development | University of Michigan

  • 6.  RE: Speaking Topic Ideas

    Posted 09-03-2022 12:30
    While I am not specific to your area of expertise,  I think it would be really helpful to share how CVENT can assist you in achieving your goals - how have you worked with CVENT in the past to pull off your event successfully? Their team and services are very robust, and especially when I was newer to the CVENT experience, I would have found it helpful how people in situations like mine were able to build a successful event in partnership with CVENT. In other words, what services did YOU find most helpful that you can recommend to your colleagues? I hope that makes sense!

    Kaitlin Feist
    Marketing Programs & Events Specialist
    Dakota Supply Group, USA

  • 7.  RE: Speaking Topic Ideas

    Posted 09-27-2022 09:18
    @Kaitlin Feist - Absolutely. We structure our onboarding to include where users can find answers on Cvent KB, Cvent Community, Cvent support, and be part of our monthly calls with Cvent where anyone can bring up any issues or solutions to the group. I think three key contributions to Cvent's successful are ease of use of the platform, data privacy, and Cvent support. ​

    James Rose | Senior Web Developer and Platform/Product Manager
    Digital Infrastructure
    Office of University Development | University of Michigan

  • 8.  RE: Speaking Topic Ideas

    Posted 09-26-2022 10:30
    I think it would be interesting to cover the top 5 things that people struggle with regarding onboarding, and the time it takes to master these!

    Olivia Popofski
    Marketing Coordinator
    Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada and AffiliatesCanada

  • 9.  RE: Speaking Topic Ideas

    Posted 09-27-2022 15:43

    @Olivia P - You got me thinking of going deeper into my "going above the workflow" of the admin. ​Maybe a second presentation by either my team or even expand that idea to others in higher ed.

    thank you​

    James Rose | Senior Web Developer and Platform/Product Manager
    Digital Infrastructure
    Office of University Development | University of Michigan

  • 10.  RE: Speaking Topic Ideas

    Posted 09-28-2022 11:00
    I would agree with other commenters on using real world scenarios. But present it from beginning to end, and show the steps. Talking about all the ideas that worked and didn't work so people can understand more about the process. 

    I would also talk about training in different roles, how different users use the product, and train to that user role - so they aren't overwhelmed.

    Beth Vriesen
    Events Reg Admin
    Associated Bank Corporation