Hi there, you can just create 1 'included' session which will add the session to everyone's registration. Then, update Participation Status for that session marking just the HCPs as participants (non HCPs Participation = No / HCP Participation = Yes). Now you have a session that you can associate to any budget line where the HCP participants consumed the item of value. Hope that helps!
Malleri Singer
Process Solutions Manager
AstraZenecaUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 01-06-2025 16:17
From: Monica Mendoza
Subject: Spend per Participant
Thank you Malleri,
I am a little new on Cvent, to be sure, from the 500 attendees, I have HCPs, employees and vendors, but only need to add the spend for HCPs, I would need to create a session just for HCPs?
Monica Mendoza
Eli Lilly and CompanyUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 01-02-2025 07:36
From: Malleri Singer
Subject: Spend per Participant
Hi Monica, You can set up a Session and mark session-level participation for the selected 350 attendees. Then associate the Session to the budget line item(s). This will associate all session attendees to the budget item rather than ticking off individual names.
Malleri Singer
Process Solutions Manager
AstraZenecaUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 12-20-2024 13:40
From: Monica Mendoza
Subject: Spend per Participant
I have an event of 500 attendees, and need to add spend per participant to only 350 attendees to several budget items. is there a way to do this in bulk or do I have to check each attendee on each item that I need to allocate the spend?
Monica Mendoza
Eli Lilly and CompanyUnited States