Hi Ronni! We can only use standard/custom contact fields, internal information, contact group, UTM parameters, or credits as criteria for assigning a registration type via this process.
What you could do to achieve this process would be to create a custom contact field that would ask something like "Will you be attending In Person or Virtually?" with those as choice options. You could then use this contact field in tandem with Title to assign BUS or BUSIP based on their respective criteria. From there you'd want to ensure that BUSIP (and the other In Person registration types) would be on a registration path separate from the Virtual attendees so you can add the guest widget for only those attending In Person (article: When should I use multiple registration paths?). When the registrant enters this information and clicks to go to the next page of registration, it will check against the criteria and move them along their corresponding path.
Since you can determine session availability based on registration type, and you can have different pricing on an admission item based on registration type, you wouldn't necessarily require multiple admission items. It would be possible to have a single admission item that would have different fees on it based on the registrant's registration type. You could also create different admission items for each and have each of those admission items only available to their corresponding registration type (which I believe is what Erica was recommending) - I see people do this sometimes for reporting purposes, or for keeping open the option of using Session Association on the admission item if you wanted to automatically enroll registrants with a given admission item into a session.
Hopefully this helps!
Terryn MacDonell
Solutions Specialist
Original Message:
Sent: 09-24-2024 09:41
From: ronni burns
Subject: Title (6-contact types) can pick Admissions item (2 options ip or va) that determine Reg type & or reg Path????
Thank you
Question: How can I add admission type to the custom attribute in Advanced reg path set up?
- Title/Contact type
- Admission item (not in drop down option)
This will then assign BUS (for virtual) or BUSIP (for In Person)
ronni burns
sr mge events- incentives
Tupperware Brands CorporationUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 09-24-2024 08:48
From: Erica Wise
Subject: Title (6-contact types) can pick Admissions item (2 options ip or va) that determine Reg type & or reg Path????
Hi Ronni,
There are a few ways to go about this - depending on how many registration types you have, you can just have the attendee pick their registration type from a drop-down instead of waiting until they pick their admission item. This way, you can automatically assign admission items and sessions to the registration type and start the process from the beginning (they would pick their title first and then their registration type).
You can also set up custom logic if you'd like which would allow you to set conditions to assign specific registration types (f you don't want attendees to choose). I would recommend to add a question for the IP-In Person or VA-Virtual Access along with also having it as an admission item. This way you can use it in your logic - For example, you would have the Title field first and then the question for how they are attending. Then, you're logic would be set up to say "if title = X and attendance = Y, give them this registration type. Once they click to move forward to the next page, it will automatically assign their registration type and then dictate what they see on the next few pages of registration. I've included an article below that walks through how to set up custom logic, but you can also reach out to our Customer Care Team at 866-318-4357, Option 1, Option 1, and they can also help walk you through this.
Using a Custom Process to Determine Registration Type
Erica Kennedy
Principal Client Success Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 09-23-2024 16:12
From: ronni burns
Subject: Title (6-contact types) can pick Admissions item (2 options ip or va) that determine Reg type & or reg Path????
Need to change the way we have been creating registration. ++++++++++++ So what is the best suggestion to set up the reg type vs contact type vs reg path? All contact types/title can choose wither IP or VA.
- Titles are contact types: BUS, DIR, ELT, ORG, MGR, CON
- 2 Admission types: IP-In Person or VA-Virtual Access
- 3 language invitation lists: SP-spanish, EN-english, FR-french
- Reg type is not known until the Title (BUS, DIR, ELT, ORG, MGR, CON) picks an admission item (IP or VA)
We do not pre assign reg type since we do not know what each will pick & want to pay for.
Only IP can add a guest
Title (contact type) & Admission (IP or VA) will determine what sessions will be available for them
++++++++++++ So what is the best suggestion to set up the reg type vs contact type vs reg path? All contact types/title can choose wither IP or VA. IT was a disaster last event trying to fix all this just before the live event started. We set up Audience segments to help control permission/title specific notifications & manually assigning training sessions by title or Audeince segment & language but please help me set this up correctly in advance. There has to be an easier way.
ronni burns
sr mge events- incentives
Tupperware Brands CorporationUnited States