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  • 1.  Viewing an email sent to an attendee

    Posted 05-17-2024 04:35

    Just wondered if anyone can help me. I want to view the actual email sent to an attendee but can't seem to find a way to do it. I can see a list of emails sent to them but want to actually see the text sent to them as there was a link in it and I want to see what the document was they received in the link.

    Can anyone help with this?

    Sarah Bowles
    Conference Organiser
    Wellcome TrustUnited Kingdom

  • 2.  RE: Viewing an email sent to an attendee

    Posted 05-17-2024 18:12

    Hi Sarah,

    You won't be able to find a copy of the email, so to speak, the way you would in your own email by going to the sent folder.   There are a few ways to view the content of the email the recipient received, though.

    Do you have multiple invitation lists? Meaning are you trying to identify what version of email was sent = title of email.

    It sounded like you want to see a link embedded in the email that was sent. Then you could use reporting to see which versions of emails where sent to which recipients try one of these report templates: Sent Email Details or Email Overview.

    Hallie Loeb
    Program Manager | Events & Experiences
    CDW United States