Hey Lindsey,
are you changing the left and right spacing of your text field for the site? (Under widget settings)? If so, that may compress your field for mobile as well.
also, might try containers for your items so that when you switch to mobile view, things stack the way you want them to. I have found for specific parts of the site, this works best.
you also may want to check "max width" for your website. If it's too wide, it will distort when you switch to mobile view and this could potentially be the issue.
i don't think font size should really affect much because it should be mobile reactive.
hope those might help a bit!
Michael Rummage
Director, Events and Special Projects
QuilityUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 07-09-2024 15:21
From: Lindsey Isaacson
Subject: Website: Desktop vs. Mobile views
Why is the spacing on my mobile view so off but look normal on my desktop view? First two screenshots are of mobile view. Second two screenshots are of desktop view.

Lindsey Isaacson
Developer of Client Experiences
Israeli American CouncilUnited States