Thank you, Lauren! This is a bit over my head. What is the reasoning for the Content Block? And why add it to all the Footers? Understanding the reasoning behind it helps me understand overall better :) Also, our footer is only an image (I don't know if that changes anything at all).
Lindsey Isaacson
Developer of Client Experiences
MCI USA Holding CoUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 12-30-2024 12:18
From: Lauren Becker
Subject: Website logo sizing
Unfortunately, not that I've found. I have a workaround though!
I created a custom data tag at the account level under Admin > General > Custom Data Tags. I used a Content Block type.
Here is the code that I entered in the HTML box (I left the Plain Text box blank):
<style type="text/css"> @media only screen and (max-width: 30em) [class^="WebsiteNavigator__leftContent"] [class^="Image__image"] img { width: 120px !important; } </style>
Then I added the data tag to all of my website footers (I use templates so I don't have to remember!). Be sure to add it to each of the footers you use on your sites.

Lauren Becker
Senior Event Technology Coordinator
Original Message:
Sent: 12-23-2024 14:23
From: Lindsey Isaacson
Subject: Website logo sizing
Is there a special trick to get an appropriately sized logo for the website to not pixelate? I've tried exporting out of Photoshop in the recommended size (190x80 pixels) and that doesn't seem to work, although, I am not a Photoshop expert. Anytime I resize in Cvent with their tools, it almost always pixelates. Also, keep in mind that for our websites, we typically have pretty small logos for the look my boss goes for. I just seem to run into this issue every time I'm dealing with a logo.
Lindsey Isaacson
Developer of Client Experiences
MCI USA Holding CoUnited States