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  • 1.  What is a challenge that you are proud to have overcome in the first half of 2022?

    Posted 06-14-2022 14:44

    Hi everybody. We are nearing the middle of the year, and a lot can happen in 6 months!


    I think it is a great time to reflect on progress that we've made so far this year and celebrate the challenges each of us has overcome no matter the size!


    I will go first. I started my position here at Cvent in Online Community Marketing in mid-January this year. With starting a new job comes many challenges. First, I needed to learn about Cvent, my new co-workers, and the company culture. Next was learning what tools that I would be using to be successful, and then of course learning how to use those tools. Even with previous experience, there are so many new pieces to put together to have the ability to flourish. Figuring everything out was challenging, but extremely rewarding at the same time. I will not say that every day has been sunshine and rainbows, but that wouldn't be near as much fun either. There were some rough days that I endured where things were just not going my way, but with persistence and supporting coworkers, I made it through them. Now nearing my 6-month mark in the company, I am very proud of everything I have accomplished. I have learned and grown so much already and look forward to what the future holds!


    What is a challenge that you are proud to have overcome in the first half of 2022?

    Megan Clark
    Assistant Team Lead, Online Community Marketing

  • 2.  RE: What is a challenge that you are proud to have overcome in the first half of 2022?

    Posted 06-15-2022 13:18
    Hi Megan, 

    Congratulations on your first 6 months on the job! Like you, I started a new job recently (in April), going back to the higher ed world. I'm enjoying it, but as with all large institutions there are many layers of policies and trainings to wade through. I've also had a few personal up & downs thrown onto the pile to deal with. 

    I would say I am proud of having made the decision to change jobs in order to prioritize my physical and mental health. Change is not easy, but I knew it was needed, and I am better for it. 


    Béline Falzon
    Event Planner
    Stanford UniversityUnited States

  • 3.  RE: What is a challenge that you are proud to have overcome in the first half of 2022?

    Posted 06-15-2022 13:27
    Edited by Megan Clark 06-15-2022 15:31
    Hi Béline,

    Thank you for your kind words.

    Congratulations on your new job as well!

    I completely understand the layers of policies and trainings that come with a new position.

    So happy that you made the decision for this change and that it has brought you to a better place!

    Megan Clark
    Assistant Team Lead, Online Community Marketing