Cvent Beginners User Group

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  • 1.  Whats the difference between the event website and atrendee hub website...also App?

    Posted 12-28-2023 13:24

    Hello, I am new at CVENT and have to learn while building the event. I just recently finished building our event website when I noticed that there is also an attendee hub website....what's the difference and do I need to build both. Also, the same goes for the app. I need to build an app for our event but is there an event app and an attendee app? Thanks for any clarification...hard to find this info on the CVENT site.

    Steve Rosko
    Event Technology Manager
    Billy Graham Evangelistic AssociationUnited States

  • 2.  RE: Whats the difference between the event website and atrendee hub website...also App?
    Best Answer

    Posted 12-29-2023 09:49

    Hi Steve,

    The Attendee Hub Website and the Event Website are two different sites that serve two different functions.  The Event website is where attendees will go to register for the event.  The Attendee Hub Website, if you are using it, is where attendees will go to participate in things leading up to and during the event, such as registering for sessions or meetings.  If your event has virtual sessions, attendees will log in to those through the Attendee Hub.  If your sessions have interactive elements like Polling, Chat, or Q&A, those will take place in the Attendee Hub as well.  The Attendee Hub Website and the Attendee Hub App are essentially the same thing, just on two different platforms - one via a browser and one via a downloadable mobile app.  Attendee Hub is an add-on, so you may need to confirm with your account holder that you have access to Attendee Hub.

    For some more information about Attendee Hub, check out the Knowledge Base articles on the Community.

    Attendee Hub Quick Start Guide (

    Welcome to Attendee Hub (

    I hope this helps!

    Jess Olcott
    Training Program Coordinator
    ETC, Inc.

  • 3.  RE: Whats the difference between the event website and atrendee hub website...also App?

    Posted 12-29-2023 10:18

    Thanks so much for the info Jess.  I appreciate you clearing that up for me and for including the links!!!

    Steve Rosko
    Event Technology Manager
    Billy Graham Evangelistic AssociationUnited States