Hi Mary -
There is a report that you can run that shows Meeting Management summary that includes # of Activities, # of Meeting Requests Submitted, # of RFPs launched, # of Events Created, and # of Registration Sites Launched.
To run, go to Cross Event Reporting -> the Report Templates Tab -> under the category of Meetings Management Reports go to "Meetings Management Snapshot". By default, it may reflect current year, so you'll want to go to Data-> Change Report Data -> you'll probably want to select "Custom" so you can select the timeframe that you want reflected year over year and click Run:

It will probably default to showing every month for that time frame - if you want year over year data or quarter over quarter, click the ellipsis (the three dots) in the corner of the report and then select "Edit" , this will open up the Edit Chart Settings window which will allow you to change the Activity Date to Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily (depending on how you want to look at it) and then click Update: 
You'll have to do the same thing to each chart separately if you want them all to reflect Year over Year.
Hope this helps!
Rebecca Yousif
Senior Administrator - Event Technology
Original Message:
Sent: 03-21-2024 11:48
From: Mary Trent
Subject: YOY reports
HI All, i am struggling to find a quick report of YOY data on Meeting management - I cannot find a template for this and can not figure out how to create one.
Mary Trent
Category Specialist, Meeting & Events
CHEVRON USA, INC.United States