Hi we created several of these bags. We included: gift card for uber eats or seamless, if all your attendees live in the same area you can select a specific vendor and have a gift certificate from that place or food delivered directly, ear buds or headphones, iPad or phone charger, reusable water cup, custom wine or champagne with glasses for a virtual happy hour, Wearables, a custom back drop for video calls The important item to remember is to collect latest home addresses from people so when you ship the gifts they arrive to the correct location. Many attendees are residing at summer homes, parent's homes or elsewhere.
Jane Margulies
President Chief Executive Officer
The TEAM Group
Original Message:
Sent: 07-20-2020 09:45
From: Eva Roig
Subject: Virtual Swag Bag Ideas
Good morning Community,
We are exploring ideas for items to be in our Virtual Swag Bag. We have come up with: ebooks, Work from home assessment, and signature for virtual business cards.
What ideas have you come up with for a Virtual Swag Bag?
Eva Roig
Implementation Specialist
The University of Texas at Austin