Hi all,
I hope you had nice weekends! I touched base with one of our Product Managers who shared that there was an issue that occurred during that time frame, and they have identified the resolution and released it today. Apologies for any concern or confusion this may have caused!
If you have any questions, please let me know and I'm happy to follow up with the product team.
Danni Czark
Senior Associate, Online Community Marketing
Original Message:
Sent: 03-19-2021 17:01
From: Danielle Czark
Subject: New Reports
Hi, all!
I'm going to check into any active cases, as well as connect with our Product Management team on the above. I want to ensure you all are getting a proper resolution for this. I'll follow up here or in direct messages through your Community profile inbox if I have specific questions!
Danni Czark
Senior Associate, Online Community Marketing
Original Message:
Sent: 03-19-2021 16:49
From: Laura Cloninger
Subject: New Reports
We have the same issue. The contact reports revert to previous three months as the date filter. I have asked and questioned and have been told it is not an issue. Good to know it is not just us.
Laura Cloninger
Membership and Event Registration Coordinator
Association for Manufacturing Excellence
Original Message:
Sent: 03-16-2021 21:20
From: Renee Palardy
Subject: New Reports
Did anyone else with saved new cross event reports have an issue last week with the Date Range changing and defaulting to Previous 2 Quarters?
Renee Palardy
Event Data Analyst Manager
Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. (DePuy Synthes Companies)