Ohhhh, is this for Inquisium?
Katie McIntyre
Manager, Technical Production
Opus Solutions, LLC d/b/a Opus Agency
Original Message:
Sent: 08-02-2019 11:46
From: Jay Runyon
Subject: Data Tags
Thank you Katie.
I have the survey set up as scoring certain questions. I found out that the data tag I'm supposed to use in the certificate is TOTALSCORE, but I don't think the survey is totaling the scores and I don't know how to make it do that. When I was in certificates, I couldn't find the data tag you suggested.
Jay Runyon
Education Manager
Lutine Management
Original Message:
Sent: 08-02-2019 11:08
From: Katie McIntyre
Subject: Data Tags
Hi Jay,
If the question is just a regular survey question (like a feedback survey response or question asked during registration), you can simply use the Invitee Answers data tag. Once you drag it to the canvas, it will allow you to choose which question's answer you wish to display.