Tracks are combined sessions. I rename them packages in my events.
Look at and you shouldn't be taken by surprise.
Like all software, those dates are probably moving targets.
According to the road map, the target date is Q2 to have everything complete. So let's hope for the end of June.
But if you have a registration that needs to open before that, I wouldn't count on those features being available.
There will be bugs that need to be squished.
In the classic event I just cloned, I'm really disappointed that I can't use flex.
I forgot how horrible Classic is on mobile.
Steven Schlossman
Jack of all trades. Master of none.
BMW Car Club of America
Original Message:
Sent: 02-07-2020 17:47
From: Wendy Van Dyk
Subject: Registration summary flex
Steven - What do you mean by tracks? We were automatically put on Flex last May and are finding there are all kinds of things promised that still are not functional. Our conference is in June and I would really like to not have any more surprises! We were told everything would be rolled out by December.
Wendy Van Dyk
Director Of Operations
Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-30-2020 21:47
From: Steven Schlossman
Subject: Registration summary flex
My event is over. My next 2 events will probably be in Classic.
Still waiting of tracks to move to flex.
Steven Schlossman
Jack of all trades. Master of none.
BMW Car Club of America
Original Message:
Sent: 01-28-2020 13:34
From: Danielle Czark
Subject: Registration summary flex
Hi Steven,
I apologize for my delay here, I seemed to have missed this reply in my community inbox. I would be happy to escalate this if you are still noticing any occurrences of the fee differences between the summary and payment widget.
Danni Czark
Lead Client Success Advisor
Original Message:
Sent: 10-29-2019 20:31
From: Steven Schlossman
Subject: Registration summary flex
Yes, definitely in test mode. Just tried it again.
Steven Schlossman
Jack of all trades. Master of none.
BMW Car Club of America
Original Message:
Sent: 10-29-2019 10:43
From: Danielle Czark
Subject: Registration summary flex
Hi Steven,
Can you confirm if you were performing a test registration or going through Preview when you saw the $0.00? Additionally, I submitted feedback on your behalf regarding the date suggestions to the widget. Feel free to also post this as an idea in the Ideas section!
Danni Czark
Lead Client Success Advisor
Original Message:
Sent: 10-27-2019 21:02
From: Steven Schlossman
Subject: Registration summary flex
I've been testing a flex registration.
Any idea why the fees are zero? The payment page shows the correct fees.
Also, can I change the date so it's 1/23/2020? Or no date at all?
Steven Schlossman
Jack of all trades. Master of none.
BMW Car Club of America