Hi Patrice,
Within the Review Stage section of your abstract project, you will want to first ensure that the reviewer has been added successfully. Then, under the completed/assigned reviews column next to their name, you will want to ensure that they have actually been assigned the review/reviews. (For example, it will say "2 Assigned" if they have been assigned 2 submissions to review.) Once the reviewer is assigned submissions to review, they will receive an automatic email where they can log in to open the project website. If they don't have an account created for the project yet, they will need to create an account and set up their password to log in, but if they have one created already, they can just log in with their credentials. The reviewer will need to be logged in (with the email address that has been added within the Reviewers section of the abstract project) in order to see the "My Reviews" at the top of the page.
This article walks through this process step-by-step: Reviewing Abstract Submissions
Julia Plymack
Lead Client Success Advisor
Original Message:
Sent: 02-25-2020 13:53
From: Patrice Pancza
Subject: Abstract review platform
After adding a new reviewer and assigning a submission, when I go to the landing page for abstract submissions, there is no field at the top left of the page for "my reviews", just "home" and "my submissions'. Any ideas?
Patrice Pancza
VP, External Relations
Children's Tumor Foundation