Good morning @Jenny Oliva
We do use an intake form for our events with Formstack. Google forms would work just the same. Over the years we have slimmed down our questions since most of our events are just copies from previous years as well as we have so many people who create their own events now they use our service less. For any new school or unit, we do a kick-off meeting to get precise requirements as well as give the precise requirements we need from them.
Each form submitted through Formstack creates a ticket in our JIRA ticketing system as well as is added to our Event Tracking Google sheet. (A Formstack integration built-in)
Our team is part of the Office of Development and you will see a question regarding gifts, but Cvent is open to all of the University of Michigan.
Contact Information
First Name*
Last Name*
U-M email*
Basic Information
Is this a New Cvent Project?*
Project Title / Event Name:*
Event Date Information
Open Registration Date*
Registration Deadline:*
Start Date/Time:*
Event End Date/Time:*
Event Description
Location / Address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
ZIP Code
Event Planner Information (This is the public-facing name and email of the event organizer and is used on the event website and in planner data tags within emails.)
First Name*
Last Name*
Event Planner Email:*
Enable these additional pages?
Agenda/Schedule - Agenda items are generated from the sessions you create
Location/Directions - This page can include driving directions or just a map
Attendees - This page can be set up to show all registrants. This is an opt-in option if turned on
Event Type
Free, Fee, Fee + Donation, Fee with Gift/Premium
(Note: Gift or Gifts with Premium, we will need to say, "Non-Refundable Gift Amount" throughout the event site)
My biggest advice is to ask the questions in order as if you are building the event in Cvent. Since there have been some design updates in Cvent the order may not be exact.
Hope that helps get you started?
James Rose | Senior Web Developer and Content Management
Digital Infrastructure
Office of University Development | University of Michigan
Original Message:
Sent: 05-11-2022 08:46
From: Jenny Oliva
Subject: Website Intake Form
Do any of you use an intake form to collect the specific information needed to build websites for your internal stakeholders? If so, would you be willing to share a copy of the questions you ask? Thank you!
Jenny Oliva
Cvent Administrator
Boston Scientific Corporation