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  • 1.  Appointments & LeadCapture > best practices to share please?

    Posted 07-05-2019 09:54
    We are going to implement Appointments and LeadCapture for our next event. Does anyone have any tips, tricks, hacks, pitfalls to avoid? 

    We use CrowdCompass and will be loading attendees. We use OnArrival for checking delegates into the event and specific session attendance scanning. 

    Our event is about 325-350 people over three days. We will have keynotes, breakouts and for the first time, an exhibit hall. 

    Thank you in advance


    Mary Zampino, CSP, CSMP | Vice President – Content, Research & Analytics | SIG | LinkedIn: maryzampino | Twitter: @MaryZampino_SIG

  • 2.  RE: Appointments & LeadCapture > best practices to share please?

    Posted 07-09-2019 10:07
    Biggest tips with appointments is to make sure you define all your rules before launching. Setting your minimum and maximums and the rules on who can setup meetings with whom will help make sure the right people get connected. 

    Here is a great resource that I always reference when setting up my appointments too. Scheduling rules is #6 on the list and I reference this all the time to make sure I don't miss anything!

    Good luck!

    Megan Ridgway
    Sr. Specialist, Event Operations
    S&P Global Market Intelligence(PreviouslySNL Financial LC)

  • 3.  RE: Appointments & LeadCapture > best practices to share please?

    Posted 07-09-2019 10:13
    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply Megan. I will include your best practices and resources in my onboarding plan. I appreciate you!

    Mary Zampino, CSP, CSMP | Vice President – Content, Research & Analytics | SIG | LinkedIn: maryzampino | Twitter: @MaryZampino_SIG

  • 4.  RE: Appointments & LeadCapture > best practices to share please?

    Posted 07-09-2019 10:19
    You are so welcome Mary! Good luck!! :)

    Megan Ridgway
    Sr. Specialist, Event Operations
    S&P Global Market Intelligence(PreviouslySNL Financial LC)