And if your flex sessions are the same as your previous classic sessions, export the classic sessions and import them into flex. That will save a little time.
Also if you have multiple screens, display your classic registration on one and flex on another.
I found transitioning to flex pretty easy as far as building the registration. I feel questions was better in classic and took me a little while to get used to flex questions.
Steven Schlossman
Jack of all trades. Master of none.
BMW Car Club of America
Original Message:
Sent: 09-01-2021 14:55
From: Laarni Florencio
Subject: Event creation based on previous event/template
Hi Everyone,
I am struggling with this new website interface and course creation. On the older website I could easily copy an event or use an existing event to create a new one. Now when I try to do that it does not give me any of my current events to choose from. What am I missing?
Laarni Florencio
Program Director
New York Presbyterian Hospital