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  • 1.  Can datatags do math?

    Posted 28 days ago


    I'm working with an event that has a refund policy with fees associated with the date they cancel and request refund. (i.e. 1 month out you get $20 back, 1 week out you get $10 back, if it's less than one week from the event date you don't receive a refund)

    I would like to be able to have a data tag that does (EVENT START DATE) - # of days and it give me a date. 

    Has anyone found a way to do this or wanted this feature before? I think it would be really helpful since refund policies can be similar across multiple different events but the dates always change so it creates a lot of manual work and double checking. 

    Thank you for your help with this. It is so appreciated!



    Rachel Anaya
    The Commons Learning Center at The University of Texas at AustinUnited States

  • 2.  RE: Can datatags do math?

    Posted 27 days ago

    Hi Rachel,

    The only option that is available within our refund policy set up right now is for you to manually select the dates and the amount that should be refunded if cancelled by those dates, so it would require you determining what the date is for 1 month out and then setting up the refund policy to be if cancelled by x date, you get $20 back, then adding an additional refund policy of if cancelled by x date you get $10 back and then a final refund policy of if cancelled by x date, you receive $0. So the "math" of figuring out the date has to happen outside of this refund policy area, but once you have the dates figured out, you can set up what you are looking for there.

    This is a great suggestion though and I would recommend that you submit this product idea within Participate > Product Ideas for our product team to consider as a future enhancement request/other Cvent users to comment/up-vote if it would be helpful for them as well! 

    Julia Plymack
    Senior Customer Success Manager