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Custom registration URL - registration paths linked to registration categories

  • 1.  Custom registration URL - registration paths linked to registration categories

    Posted 6 days ago


    I'm creating a registration process for an event with multiple registration paths (e.g. Speakers/Attendees, etc). Each registration path is slightly different (for example, Speakers need to upload bio/photo) defines the registration category that is assigned to the person at the end. Since the event is invite-only, I would like to share those links by email from Cvent, and only people in my invitation lists to be able to register. However, if I use the Weblinks function, the link can be shared and is publicly available. And if I use the {[E-RSVP YES LINK]} tag, it only links to one default registration website. Can I have different custom tags leading to different websites, but still pre-populating fields from invitation lists and limiting the registration to only those I invited. 


