Cvent Beginners User Group

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  • 1.  Fully branded app splash screens

    Posted 03-07-2023 15:17

    Hi. We are creating our first Cvent event and I am working on customizing the app. I have uploaded our logo and event splash screen. I would like our splash screen to be the only thing that displays until the app loads. Is it possible to suppress the initial Cvent blue and purple Welcome splash screen?

    Thank you!

    Richard O'Ffill
    Director of Management Information Systems , Finance and Operations Bureau
    ADRA InternationalUnited States

  • 2.  RE: Fully branded app splash screens

    Posted 03-14-2023 13:23
    Edited by Tori Martinez 03-14-2023 13:24

    Hi Richard,

    Are you looking at the app in the website test environment? I believe that's the only place you see that extended screen while it's loading the test environment. In real time, there is a quick moment (maybe one second) of blue screen (see screenshot) and then it goes straight to your splash screen while it continues loading.

    If this is the screen you are referring to, I don't think there's any way around having that show up. 

    Tori Martinez
    Event Technology Specialist
    Direct Travel
    United States